Running Scared Media
Immersive Audio Dramas for Runners.
In 2020, COVID-19 restrictions had started, and my old friend Jamie Roberts calls me with a proposal - let's do a horror movie review podcast. So the Running Scared Podcast began with a review of one of our favourite bad movies, Anaconda (1996). It was a fun way to stay connected during a time when it wasn't possible to see friends. We didn't give the title much thought, it just sounded cool, but a funny thing occurred to me... Jamie loves jogging and I work in sports media... What if we tried our hand at original horror audio dramas for jogging?! We call them jogcasts and we've now produced over half a dozen, organized community runs around our productions, collaborated with legendary ultra marathon runner Mike Wardian and licensed our work to a running app.
With Inferno: Mike Wardian's Run Through Death Valley we pivoted away from the horror genre, but still tell a dramatic story for fitness lovers about facing fears and finding motivation.
We are exploring some new endeavours for the project, so stay tuned. Visit our site for more information.